
"How do you get a $16500 tonearm for $1900? Let me suggest that you compare the Pete Riggle Woody Universal Tonearm  with the Durand Telos. "
- Pete Riggle


"The Woody SPU Tonearm by Pete Riggle Audio Engineering absolutely blows away my excellent Thomas Schick tonearm, much to my dismay!"

- Jeff Day (Reviewer, Positive Feedback)



"I could never afford to purchase a Schroeder, and The Woody is every bit as good. Every parameter you could want is easily adjustable; and it's so beautiful, and so musical too."
- Ted Danowski

"I just want to let you know how great the Woody tonearm is. Sometimes I can't believe the amount of musicality this beautiful device produces." 

- George Moore


"I can not suggest that there is a single tonearm on the market that competes with this product at or anywhere near its price point, and I think that speaks volumes of its worth. What Pete offers as a package is a tough competitor. It makes a hell of a versatile option for someone who cannot say that price is no object."

- VinylRob, Audio Karma forum, Southeast Michigan Audio Club




"The Woody Universal Tonearm is still my primary link to  music (how many years later?). Only on special occasions do I  fire up my CD player to hear something I don't own on vinyl. You really have made a profound impact on my reconnect with vinyl (both old and new). My ears thank you for the directions back home."

- Bob Eckert




"What is the sound of the VTAF? In a word …… amazing! I’m stunned that it could make such a difference. There was more definition up and down the audio spectrum. The bass had more slam and more tunefulness. The highs sparkled without edginess, and the midrange was beautiful and engaging. There was a bigger and deeper soundstage, with better instrument placement within it. Surface noise was less bothersome, and seemed better isolated from the signal."

- Lee R Moore



"After a recent rewire of my Rega RB300 (the rewire was a definite improvement) I installed your Counterweight for the Common Man counterweight and stub. WOW! An order of magnitude improvement exceeding the rewire. The enhanced clarity, separation of instruments and better balance in the frequency ranges, whilst retaining excellent musicality, all added up to my being VERY pleased indeed with the modification."

- Chris Ringwood



 "One thing that was immediately apparent is that the prototype Woody SPU tonearm is extremely good sounding, both musically & sonically, and it is more than a match for my Schick tonearms. When playing music with either the Ortofon SPU Classic stereo cartridge (aided by the terrific sounding Intact Audio SUT) or the Ortofon SPU Mono CG 25 Di MkII (straight into the MX110Z) the Woody SPU was mesmerizing to listen to music with. The prototype Woody SPU sounded like a million bucks, with a smooth, rich, sensual, spacious, tonally natural, nuanced, and very musical presentation of the music."

 - Jeff Day, June 6, 2015


"The Woody SPU Tonearm by Pete Riggle Audio Engineering absolutely blows away my excellent Thomas Schick tonearm, much to my dismay!" 

-Jeff Day, December 10, 2015 




Welcome to the web site of  Pete Riggle Engineering and Audio


Pete Riggle here. I am a graduate of the University of Washinton with a degree in mechanical engineering. I spent my career as a development engineer specializing in design and analysis of thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. I have been an audiophile since 1957. In year 2000, after retirement from the corporate world, my interest in audio kicked into high gear, leading me to develop the products listed below. My design, manufacturing, and direct sales business is a one man concern. Everything I design, manufacture, sell and ship goes through my hands. All customer contact is through me. The products offered are evaluated in a dedicated listening room with a world class two channel audio system which is resolving and musical . A listening panel of dedicated audiophiles assists in product evaluation. These products meet high standards of musicality. I work diligently to meet customer needs. I'm very accessible. Inquiries are welcome. Contact me by telephone at 509 582 4548, or by email: . Products are listed below. Select from the web pages listed to the left to access product descriptions, reviews, a price list, an online ordering site (not perfect, call me with any questions, or to place an order by phone), and other interesting and useful topics. I wish you the best in your audio endeavors.



The VTAF for many tonearms (VTA on the Fly); tremendous improvement in sound by isolating the tonearm from the armboard)


The VTAF Teflon Upgrade (provides even smoother operation and even better sound)


The Counterweight for the Common Man for Rega tonearms (as good a counterweight as you can get for your Rega tonearm, adaptable to some other arms, contact me) 


The Woody Universal Tonearm (tremendously musical, visually gorgeous in a steam punk sort of way; Art Dudley says the Woody has to be the most adjustable tonearm ever, universal in the sense that the purchase price buys an arm with changeable headshells and counterweights, so that the arm can be set up to optimally play any cartridge with standard 1/2" mounting centers)


The Woody SPU Tonearm (finally, a Woody tonearm with a universal headshell, designed specifically for the fabulous Ortofon SPU cartridges).The Woody SPU is the  must-have arm if the SPU cartridges are to reach their full and amazing potential. , Also, the Woody SPU provides cartridge alignment capability and overhang adjustment ability that are (surprisingly) not provided by arms such as Ortofon, Thomas Schick, Jelco, the older SME arms, and many other universal headshell arms. In addition, the sliding mounting plate of the Woody SPU tonearm allows one arm to play both the A and G models of the SPU cartridges, something not possible with other universal headshell arms. 


The VTAF Sliding Mounting Plate (available for any VTAF; allows easy adjustment of pivot to spindle distance and overhang; included with the Woody SPU)


Cabinet and crossover plans for Altec or Great Plains Audio 604 drivers 


Pedestals for independent tonearm mounting (inquire)


Q Up: In addition to the products I manufacture, I am a big fan of the Q UP auto-lift product which lifts the tonearm at the end of play. I sell the Q Up at the retail list price of $59.99 USD. The Q UP is a clever and affordable design which is easy to install, is easy to use, and works very smoothly. Work is in progress to adapt the Q UP for general use with my wonderful Woody tonearms.  Every vinyl lover would benefit from automatic pick-up at the end of play.



Pete Riggle with Cabinets for Great Plains 604 8H Drivers

The String Theory(tm) Woody(tm) Tonearms

The most easily adjusted tonearms . . . ever!

*********Click on the Woody Tonearm Page*********

The Pleasure of Vinyl Playback with the Woody

"This thing works great
and sounds even better!!"
-Mark Price

Pete Riggle Audio Engineering

 announces the
VTAF™(pronounced vee-taff, U.S. Patent No. 7630288), 
'Vertical Tracking Angle on the Fly'

The VTAF is a tone arm VTA adjuster with a tone arm mounting isolation system which provides remarkable improvements in sound stage, imaging, space, air, nuance, inner detail, dynamics, bass clarity, and musicality. The sonic benefits provided by the VTAF isolation system are above and beyond the sonic improvements achieved by adjusting VTA with the record in play!!

The VTAF (Vertical Tracking Angle on the Fly); also, Counterweight for the Common Man (CCM)

The VTAF allows smooth and easy VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) adjustment on the fly for many combinations of tonearm and turntable.

The VTAF has been favorably reviewed in The Absolute Sound, at, and at, and has a multitude of satisfied users who have given enthusiastic testimonials to its sonic performance, ease of use, build quality, appearance, and value.

Also available from Pete Riggle Audio Engineering:
The VTAF Teflon Upgrade, which adds to the sonic performance and ease of use of the VTAF, and

The Counterweight for the Common Man (CCM), a counterweight structural upgrade which takes Rega tonearms to a new level of performance.

The VTAF Sliding Mounting Plate, a mounting plate for use with the VTAF which allows easy adjustment of mounting distance and overhang.

The Three Point Mounting Plate, a kit that modifies the VTAF for post mounted arms to accept three point mount Rega arms.

VTAF Extension Plates, used for mounting the VTAF Guide Assembly on turntables with small arm boards (examples: certain Nottingham tables, certain Origin Live tables, and certain Oracle tables).

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