Worldwide shipping
by first class mail to the United States and by Air Letter post to other destinations.
Typical VTAF Shipping and Insurance: $7.40 U.S. to U.S. destinations, $12.75
U.S. to Canadian destinations, $16.20 U.S. to most other destinations, worldwide.
Payment Methods
If you are interested in purchasing anything on this site, you may do so by adding the item to your shopping cart.
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express for online orders.
A large portion of what we make and
sell is not yet listed on our online shopping page. Please do not hesitate to call us at 1-509-582-4548 to make
an order over the phone. Or contact us by email: peteriggle@msn.com . If you use a credit card, your order will ship immediately. If you pay by check, your order will ship 5 business
days after we receive your check. Privacy Policy
Contact information
including email address, telephone number, address, etc. which is provided by the user is used solely for the purpose of completing
the order. This includes information pertaining to gift recipients. Financial information including credit card numbers, expiration
dates, billing address is used solely to bill the customer for their order.
In the unlikely event
you are not fully satisfied with the VTAF Teflon Upgrade, our no-questions refund period is 90 days. If you find you need
a grace period, just let us know. If the product has not been installed, return of the item will be appreciated. If
the product has been installed, return of the item is not necessary.