An absolute joy to deal with. Pete is patient, understanding,
and will take every necessary step to ensure his product exceeds your expectations. Have a tonearm without
adjustable VTA? You must investigate the VTAF! -Dale Humphrey
The VTAF was developed for post mounted Rega tonearms
(the RB250, the RB300 and the RB600). We have since adapted the VTAF to all of the three point mount Rega tonearms (RB251,
RB301, RB303, RB700, RB900, and RB1000). In addition, we can provide VTAF units for the post mounted arms of most
manufacturers. The range of VTAF variations has been extended to accept arms with post diameters ranging from the smallest up
to of 1.127 inches (28.6 mm). Examples are included below. Chances are good that we can provide a VTAF for your arm. If
you do not see your tone arm, please inquire. As you can see from the listing below, we can mount almost any arm to
almost any table using the VTAF. The VTAF is not suitable for use with Graham or Tri-Planer
arms, which have mounting systems substantially offset from the center of gravity of the tonearm assembly. The
VTAF is not suitable for use with straight line tracking arms.
Arms to which the VTAF has been adapted are
listed below. Again, please let us know if you do not see your arm listed. Telephone: 509 582 4548 email:
Generally speaking, the VTAF can be adapted to most tonearms that
have the pivot center on the same vertical axis as the mounting system.
An incomplete list of arms the VTAF can
be adapted to includes: Acoustic Research, Ariston, ADC, Alphason, Audiocraft, Audio Note, Audioquest, Audio Technica, BBC,
Bel Canto, Bluenote, Brinkman, Connoiseur, Clearaudio, Da Vinci, Decca, Denon, Dynavector, Empire, EMT, ESL, Excel Sound Corp.,
Fidelity Research, Formula, Funk Firm F5, Grace, Grado, Hadcock, Helius, Heybrook, Ikeda, Infinity, Jelco (and any of the
arms manufactured for others by Jelco), JH Reproducers, Kieth Monks, Kuzma, Linn, Linn mount arms, Logic, Manticore,
Mayware, Michell, Micro Seiki, Mission, Moth, Moerch, Nottingham, Naim, Odyssey, Origin Live, Ortofon,
Pickering, Pro-ject, Pete Riggle Woody, Rega, Rek-O-Kut, Rocksan, SAEC, Scheu, SME, Sonus, Sansui, Shure, Signet,
Sony, Sparta, Stax, Sumiko, Schroeder, Schick, Syrinx, Systemdek, Thorens, Transcriptor, Ultracraft, VPI, Wilson Benesch,
and Zeta.
The list of tonearms the VTAF can not be adapted to is tiny compared to the list of tonearms the VTAF
can be adapted to. In particular, the VTAF will not work with linear tracking tonearms or tonearms in which the mounting post
is substantially offset from the tonearm pivot (examples: Wheaton Tri-Planer, Graham Phantom).
See Price List for prices for many VTAF units, and other products.
See installation images

VTAF, Rega Post Mounted Arm with Mini Extension Plate |

VTAF for 3 Point Mount Rega Arm on Thorens TD124 |

VTAF and Counterweight for the Common Man in Smokey Silver Finish |

VTAF for Rega Arm with Full Extension Plate |

Full Extrension Plate for Origin Live Encounter, Illustrious, Conqueror and Others |

VTAF, Pete Riggle Woody Tonearm, TD124 Table |

VTAF with Thomas Schick Arm on Terry Cain Plinth |

VTAF with Thomas Schick Tonearm on Slate Armboard |

VTAF Adjuster Screw and Wheel Viewed from Below, Thomas Schick Arm |

VTAF on SME 3012 and Thorens TD124 Table |

VTAF, SME 3012 Arm, Thorens TD124 Table, VTAF Sliding Mounting Plate |

VTAF with Sliding Mounting Plate for SME IV Arm with SME Cable with DIN Connector |

VTAF For EMT 1279 Tonearm |

VTAF With EMT 1279 Tonearm |

VTAF, Wilson Benesch Tonearm |

VTAF, Wilson Benesch Tonearm |

VTAF on Schroeder DPS Tonearm |

VTAF for Nottingham Spacearm & Spacedeck; No Modification to Nottinham Parts |

VTAF for Nottingham Spacearm & Spacedeck; No Modification to Nottingham Parts |

VTAF for Origin Live Encounter, Illustrious, Conqueror, and Others |

VTAF with Audioquest Tonearm |

Audioquest Arm, Sota Armboard, Wheel Dia. Reduced to Clear Lift/Lower Device |

VTAF with Linn LVII Tonearm |

VTAF for Linn LVII Tonearm; Top View |

ADC ALT 1 Tonearm with VTAF |

VTAF with Full Extension Plate for OL Encounter, on OL Aurora Gold Table |

VTAF Intended for Hadcock Arm on Spacedeck |

VTAF with Full Extension Plate; Can't Remember Arm Board Provenance |

Armboard for Rega arm on Technics 1200 Series Table; A Newer Version Has 3 Support Points |

VTAF for Dynavector 501 or 505 Tonearm |

VTAF with Full Extension Plate for OL Tonearms; Can't Remember Armboard Provenance |

12" Jelco and 14" Woody Tonearms with Mounting Blocks Secured with TAC Sticky Putty |

VTAF, OL Silver Arm, Systemdek IIX Table |

VTAF for Early Thorens Tonearm |

VTAF, Rega Tonearm, Oracle Table (? not sure of table) |

VTAF Guide Assembly for Grace 707 Arm |

VTAF for Clearaudio Satisfy Tonearm |

DIN Connector For SME Arm with VTAF |

DIN Connector for SME arm with VTAF |

VTAF for Nottingham Arm on Nottingham Spacedeck |

VTAF in Smokey Silver Finish, OL Silver Tonearm, AR Turntable |

VTAF, Origin Live Encounter Tonearm |

VTAF for Empire Tonearm |

VTAF for Hadcock Tonearm |

Moerch Arm with VTAF |

VTAF for DaVinci Table and Arm |

Counterweight for the Common Man for Rega Arms in Lacquered Brass and Smokey Silver |

Pete Riggle |