
"The weird thing is that
I don't think everything is
just due to properly dialing
in the VTA. Strangely, I think
how the arm attaches to your
VTAF with more degrees of
mechanical freedom somehow 
improves the sound."
-Joe Eagleeye


We have had numerous questions about mounting Rega tonearms and other Rega mount arms on turntables in the Technics 1200 Series using the Origin Live DJ armboard.  The Technics 1200 Series tables have a relatively low platter relative to the height of the armboard.  The Origin Live DJ armboard lowers the tonearm to a lower position than allowed by the original armboard.  The layout of the Origin Live DJ armboard does not provide sufficient room for the VTAF Adjuster Wheel, so we cooked up an armboard system that does.  The VTAF armboard for Rega arms on Technics 1200 Series tables maintains the standard Rega mounting distance of 222.8 mm, and allows the height of the armboard to be set for the preferred VTA adjustment range using the VTAF.

The VTAF armboard for Rega tonearms on Technics 1200 Series tables are priced at $120 USD. Shipping and insurance for the VTAF armboard are priced at $9.00 USD to U.S. destinations, $15.00 USD to Canada, and $19.00 USD to other destinations worldwide.

VTAF/Rega/Technics Armboard Shown with VTAF in Lacquered Brass Finish
VTAF/Rega/Technics Armboard Shown With Smokey Silver Finish

The smudges showing below the armboards in the images are an aritifact of our photography skills resulting from a shadow and increased contrast.  We'll replace these with better images when the opportunity presents itself.

Second Generation VTAF/Technics Armboard

The images shown above are the first generation VTAF/Technics armboard.  We now sell only the second generation VTAF/Technics armboard.  The differences between the two generations of armboard are as follows:

Whereas the first generation armboard has two support points between the upper ring and lower plate, the second generation armboard has three support points.  Three support points assure a parallel relationship between the ring and plates.  Also, the second generation armboard uses 10 gage material (.134 inches, 3.4 mm), as opposed to 11 gage material (.120 inches, 3.0 mm).  One more change was reduction of the spindle-to-pivot distance of 219.5 mm, which better agrees with the nominal Rega effective length.

Unfortunately, in our desire to ship product as soon as possible, we failed to shoot images of the first two second generation Technics/VTAF armboards recently delivered. 


Lee R. Moore, Origin Live Silver Mk II Tonearm, Technics SL1200 Mk II Turntable

Hi Pete, I installed the VTAF over the weekend. Just by eyeballing, it looked like the bottom plate of the armboard should go lower. I made this judgment by comparing the height of the OL Silver II tonearm on the OL adapter plate, with the VTAF placed on the Technics armboard and lowered all the way down. So I removed the stack of 11 washers and replaced with a 0.5" nylon spacer on each of the 3 bolts. I’m currently using the Ortofon Super OM40 cartridge that has a short height. But later, based on the position of the adjuster wheel that gave a negative VTA, I found that my judgment was amiss, and that the washer stack would have been fine. I’ll go back to using the washers next time I have cause to dismantle my SL-1200 turntable. I appreciate that brass cartridge shims were included, but shouldn’t have to use them, as the Technics armboard height is easily changed by adding/subtracting washers.

Installation of the armboard and VTAF was relatively easy. I do have the habit of jerking the tonearm lift mechanism, which causes the adjuster wheel to tilt on the bushing. It was a little disconcerting at first, but as your instructions note, the wheel quickly reseats itself flush on the bushing. Gentler handling is the cure, as the instructions state.

It was interesting to take advantage of the VTA adjustment on the fly. I could make the bass boomy and the highs closed in, or the bass recessed and the highs forward at the VTA extremes. Apparently, this cartridge is not very sensitive to VTA, as there was a broad sweet spot in the middle, comprising maybe two rotations over which the sound changed little. Of course, the position of this sweet spot changed with the record thickness, so I will continue to make frequent use of this adjustment.

It’s really cool that I can just grab the tonearm and lift it out. I can’t wait to show my buddies that trick. And this will facilitate easy cartridge swapping as I want to try out a vintage Technics 205c Mk II that my friend has been raving about.

What’s the sound of the VTAF? In a word …… amazing! The VTAF has to be improving the coupling of tonearm to plinth. This is important, to be sure, but just one of many things going on with phono playback. So I’m stunned that it could make such a difference. There was more definition up and down the audio spectrum. The bass had more slam and more tunefulness. The highs sparkled without edginess, and the midrange was beautiful and engaging. There was a bigger and deeper soundstage, with better instrument placement within it. Noisy records still sounded noisy, as the microcline stylus of the OM 40 will report every bit of dirt and groove wear. But the surface noise was less bothersome, and seemed better isolated from the signal.

So kudos to you for identifying a market need and filling it with an ingenious product.

Best wishes,

Lee R. Moore

Joe Eagleeye, Techniques 1200 Series Table, with Pete Riggle Armboard, VTAF, and Origin Live Silver Mk. 3a Arm:
"I'm still fooling around with it and I'm sure that things aren't completely dialed in yet, but man my vinyl rig has never sounded so good. I was a bit skeptical about the arm sorta floating in the VTAF, but you're right, you quickly adjust to it. I'll give you more detailed impressions later. The weird thing is that I don't think everything is just due to properly dialing in the VTA. Strangely, I think how the arm attaches to your VTAF with more degrees of mechanical freedom somehow adds to the sound." Thanks, Joe